despite knowing all of this, many of us are guilty of not getting the
recommended eight hours a night. It seems that we, as a society, sometimes
forget just how vital having a good night’s sleep is for the body, and how it is
just as important as breathing, drinking and eating.
have been many case studies showing us how important sleep is and, in a new
discovery led by sleep expert Professor Derk-Jan Dijk from the University of
Surrey, scientists have found that just one week of poor sleep can disrupt
hundreds of genes, thus increasing the risk of potential life-threatening
illnesses linked to stress, obesity and diabetes, to name a few.
Bowen Therapy is known for its healing qualities
and for releasing stress via its calming
effect on the Autonomic Nervous System. It is a natural, drug free, non-invasive
complementary therapy. Its quick and
effective treatment can help improve problems relating to sleep deprivation
such as stress.
people that suffer from insomnia resort to taking sleep-inducing tablets and
However, rather than 'making' the body change, Bowen Therapy 'asks' the body to recognise the ailment, like insomnia, and make the changes it requires.
the 30-60 minute treatment, the Bowen practitioner makes small,
rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise
points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that
hard-tissue manipulation or force is needed or used.
each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it
to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.
can read testimonials from insomnia sufferers who have had some wonderful results
from Bowen here.
If you suffer from sleep deprivations, or know
somebody that does, see if Bowen could help you. Find a qualified Bowen
practitioner near to you by visiting the Bowen website
or call 0844 561 7173.