Okay, so we get it – it’s Miley’s
mouth, she can say what she wants to. In many ways, she is starting resembling
a desperate potential Big Brother contestant, stuffed full of ‘I don’t care
what people think of me, I say it how it is’ and ‘I’m just being honest, if
people don’t like it, screw them!’ How
great to have a role model who is so open-minded, outspoken and confident.
After waking up every morning for the past few weeks, since Miley’s infamous
performance at the VMAs, I am always eager to find out what inspiring line she
is going to come out with next – ‘malaria rules!’ – ‘people with cancer are so stupid’ or ‘Miley loves cystic
fibrosis’; because after all, she is super
open about her thoughts. She is quite happy to belittle, insult, and upset
the millions of people world-wide suffering with mental health problems, so why
not insult everyone else who is living with a serious, potentially fatal,
illness too?

This is the reason why mental
health is such a taboo subject. No one talks about it, and when they do, they’re
never left to forget about it. I haven’t found a single article about Catherine
Zeta-Jones which doesn’t mention her battle with bipolar disorder, yet I have
never read an article which says ‘Rihanna, who has had black skin since she was
born, is revelling in the success of her latest single’ or ‘it is rumoured that
Louis Spence has split up with his husband because he is gay.’ Every single
person in this world has a skin colour, just like they have a sexual
orientation, and just like they have a mental health. So why is it that in the
supposedly open-minded society that we live in, there is still such a heavy
stigma attached to issues with mental health?
Let’s look at the facts: 25% of
people will experience mental health problems in any given year. Do you
consider yourself to have a phobia? If so, then you are suffering from a mental
health problem. Do you feel ashamed and alone because of it? Probably not
because, because you don’t consider yourself to be any different to anyone
else. The most surprising thing is that phobias are one of the lesser common
mental illnesses, with the amount of people who suffer from mixed anxiety or
depression almost double the amount that suffer from a phobia. I know more
people that refuse to watch the television with the volume on an odd number –
this is a form of OCD, yet no one crosses the street to avoid these perfectly normal people for fear of them lashing
out in a deranged craze.

10th October 2013 is
World Mental Health Day, so take this opportunity to raise awareness and learn
more information about various mental illnesses because they are normal. If you personally feel like
you are suffering and are worrying about asking for help, then think about how
many people you know who have had the flu, because guess what? Only 5-20% of
people catch the flu every year, less than the amount of people that suffer
from a mental health problem. So you are not alone, and you should never feel
like you are.
Because of people like Miley
Cyrus making mental illness into a joke, thousands of people will feel too
ashamed to talk about it, resist treatment or even resort to suicide.
Depression isn’t a case of needing to ‘cheer up’, it is like a black cloud is
suffocating you and darkening all of the happiness that you find. Mental health
problems leave you feeling trapped inside your own head, nothing is fun; you
obsess over things that other people wouldn’t even notice. The more people that
support this cause, the more people that won’t have to suffer in silence. Keep
smiling, we promise there is help out there for you.