Friday, 11 October 2013

Chilren's Clinic CPD Event

Bowen Therapy has long established itself for its ability to transform the lives of patients. One of the biggest draws to the technique is the versatility of the treatment – each session is tailored to the individual. Because of this, it is essential that therapists are constantly being refreshed and updated on methods of treatment.

On the 19th and 20th October 2013 at Dunchurch Park Hotel and Conference Centre in Warwickshire, the BTPA - Bowen Therapy Professional Association - are launching an event for both Bowen and non-Bowen therapists to broaden their understanding about the range of conditions which could be affecting children who visit the clinics. There is the option of one or both days and is a great opportunity to network with other therapists to increase your knowledge of children’s welfare.

The first day features a choice of two workshops; either
a seminar on pregnancy and birth designed to help take into account the processes from the baby’s point of view, or an Emm-Tech muscle management workshop. The former will be presented by both John Wilks and midwife Lina Clerke, who will work with the group to explore the physical ramifications of different birthing procedures, as well as looking into issues with fertility, conception and pregnancy. This day is exclusively for those already trained in Bowen Therapy. The Emm-Tech seminar is a short-course on releasing tension and tightness in eleven key muscles in the body. All of the techniques taught have shown exceptional effects on children and no previous Bowen experience is required. Both courses are priced at £90.   

The second day is open to both Bowen and non-Bowen therapists and consists of a timed agenda running from 9am until 5pm. Within this time-table, there will be the speakers including a paediatric consultant and a representative from social services. In the afternoon delegates can choose two out of the four workshops available. The cost of the day is £85 for BTPA members and £105 for non-BTPA members and the price includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

For further information on the itineraries/agenda and content of the event, please visit

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