Thursday, 4 October 2012

Bowen for every profession

Many people that visit Bowen therapists come to ease a problem caused by work. Even the least physical of jobs can cause ailments that Bowen is ready to relieve.

Teachers:Tomorrow is World Teacher’s Day so if you’re a Sir or Miss, perhaps treat yourself to some Bowen for your stress levels, back pain or RSI from writing on that board.

Hairdressers: Teachers aren’t the only ones prone to RSI, many hairdressers suffer with elbow/shoulder pain from trimming people’s tresses and back complaints from being on their feet all day.

Nurses:Nurses are also renowned for running about the wards all day, so could perhaps use a Bowen treatment for plantar fasciitis or other foot problems.

Policemen:Plantar fasciitis, aka ‘policemen’s heel’, is also a common affliction for cops on the beat – hence the nickname – as is back pain and stress.

Builders:Back pain is rife among builders too, due to the jobs physicality. General joint and muscular pain that builders endure could be treated with Bowen.

Office: Working in an office is one of the less physical jobs, but can still affect you physically. Slouching over your desk gives you bad posture which causes back and shoulder pain. Also, staring at a computer screen all day can cause headaches which could be eased with Bowen.

Night-workers: Getting in at 7am after a night shift and trying to sleep whilst the rest of the world is just getting started can be very difficult and frustrating. Fatigue and sleep-trouble are two other problems that Bowen can help.

Do you fit into any of the categories above? Or do any of the complaints sound familiar? If you are interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you, visit the website to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 0844 561 7173.

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