Wednesday, 7 November 2012

National Stress Awareness Day

Women between the ages of 25 and 34 are said to be the most stressed.

Today is National Stress Awareness Day and, according to a survey carried out by Kalms, climbing the career ladder, being a parent, paying the mortgage and trying to maintain a social life all trigger higher stress levels in women aged 25-34.

The study also concluded that, over a year, the average Brit gets stressed 208 times and men and women tend to worry about different things.

Neil Shah, Director of the Stress Management Society said: “Women worry more about bills and finances, and juggling their time, but men are more concerned about working long hours and debt.”

The Bowen Technique is a natural, drug-free, non-invasive, complementary therapy that can help combat stress.

Rather than 'making' the body change, Bowen 'asks' the body to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires.
During the 30-60 minute treatment, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual.

No hard-tissue manipulation or force is needed or used.

Between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

Bowen is known for its soothing qualities for physical complaints; however it is an extremely relaxing experience that can have many emotional benefits too.

One client said: “It is exactly what I needed at a time when stress in my life has been at a peak and for quite some time now. The results I am experiencing are beyond my expectations, as I find old injuries are eased out and movement in my neck, jaw, legs releasing into some kind of freedom for spontaneity such as I felt in my mid-20's.”

Read the rest of the client’s testimonial here.

If you are stressed, or are caring for somebody is, and are interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you visit the website to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 0844 561 7173.

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