It is quite stressful being a
girl – you have to work harder to earn less, have periods every month until you
are expected to grow a child (and if you don’t
grow a child then you’re automatically selfish), make sure that your
lipstick isn’t on your teeth, all while ensuring you don’t gain a single pound because
that may offend a lonely, single middle-aged man on Twitter. Oh, and don’t
forget that after you have completed all of these steps, you aren’t allowed to
feel stressed because that may mean you’re being over-dramatic,
attention-seeking and hormonal.
A few weeks ago, Jameela Jamil wrote
a blog post which discussed how girls judge one another based on their size.
She stressed how important it was for girls to support each other and relax their issues with their own
weight. Here here! Plus, unlike an array of celebrities that ‘eat whatever they
want and never work out’; Jameela has a gorgeous, natural and healthy figure. Therefore,
if all girls practiced this tactic – and let’s face it, we would all be happier
if they did – then there would be no problems, right? Wrong!

Today, the Daily Mail wrote an
article on ex Big Brother contestant, model and cake shop owner Chanelle Hayes’
three stone weight gain – and she looks awesome. You would think that the
public would be pleased, or at least ambivalent, about Chanelle’s new figure. It
is great to see a woman in the public figure talking openly about her weight and
embracing the fact that her body has changed
with motherhood, and it isn’t the be all and end all. Unfortunately, not
everyone thought so. ‘omg what have you done to yourself u look dreadful (sic)’
was one comment that was tweeted to Chanelle since she appeared in the Daily
Mail. Surely this comment would have been sent from a flawless, size six, five
foot eleven supermodel though? Erm, quite the opposite – a middle-aged,
balding, slightly overweight man in fact. Why are we suddenly in an era where
it is okay for a random man to criticise girls on their weight?

This comment came just a few
hours after I received a similar observation on my size, after making a
completely off-hand joke about only being able to find size four clothes in the
Miss Selfridge sale – ‘u talking shit ur like a size 18, no both had tits tht
big being a size 4’. How nice of you to go out of your way to share your thoughts
with me, Mr Overweight, crude, racist, illiterate man on Twitter. While there
is nothing wrong with being a size eighteen, I struggle to find where my size
is any concern of his. Someone obviously needs a hobby.
It is very concerning when it is
men who begin criticising the looks of women. What are they being subjected to
which makes them believe that women aren’t allowed to eat until they are
actually full and go out of the house without wearing make-up? While we are all
taking the time to analyse one another, I can’t help feeling that these men
would be very lucky to date someone
as stunning as Chanelle. Obviously, it is a confidence thing. Obviously, they
are unhappy about their appearance, social-life, career, etc, if they have the
time to harass women with harsh comments about their weight. So, while I’m all
for embracing the sisterhood, maybe we should open this group up a little to
include the men too! If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say
anything at all.